What is at Stake; Literature and Art in the Shadow of the Avant-garde

What is at Stake; Literature and Art in the Shadow of the Avant-garde

What is at Stake; Literature and Art in the Shadow of the Avant-garde

Cyrille Offermans

Cyrille Offermans is passionate reader. ‘In the last decade a lot has changed in literature and art,’ he writes. ‘It is time to reflect.’

What is at Stake opens with the double talents of poet and painter Lucebert and a provocative essay on the ‘eternally young merry’ Remco Campert. Offermans’ critical view on the so called ‘Big Three in Dutch Literature’ and a revaluation of the experimental Ivo Michiels, Jacq Vogelaar and Sybren Polet deepen en nuance our views on these authors and supply us with surprising insights in their oeuvres.

Based upon the works of A.F.Th. van der Heijden, Tom Lanoye and Joke van Leeuwen Cyrille Offermans analyzes the recent works of the most interesting writers; the research into their own histories. Either autobiographical or otherwise. He states that ‘literature isn’t alienating itself from the reader. It wants to decipher the complex reality.’

What is at Stake offers the orientation that is essential in the current cultural climate. In depth and open views on the meaning and the social influence of the Dutch literature by one of the great and leading essayists in the Netherlands.

'Reading about the post-WWII Dutch authors give them and their work a special meaning.' - University of Munster

‘Offermans makes a wonderful selection of examples and explanations.’ – 8weekly.nl ****

‘Such an impressive book! Written with knowledge and in a beautiful style that I have become envious about.’ – historian H.A. Hofman

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  • Germany (Kunstmann)