Cyrille Offermans

Cyrille Offermans (1945) writes for several newspapers and magazines and is a leading essayist. He has written children’s books, a monograph on the painter Paul Klee, a book about the poet and artist Lucebert and many essays. His work has been awarded with the J. Greshoffprize, the Pierre Bayleprize and the Busken Huetprize.

His essay Why I Have to Lie to My Demented Mother (2006) was also a big success in with Kunstmann Verlag in Germany (Warum ich meine demente Mutter belüge). Shipwreck, On Civilization, Culture and Knowledge (2008) was nominated for the AKO Literature Prize. And his debut novel Death of a Teacher had to be reprinted soon after its initial release. In 2014 we published his volume of essays on Dutch literature called What is at Stake, Literature and Art in the Shadows of the Avant-Garde