Why We Laugh, On the Joke, Jest and the Origin of Humor

Why We Laugh, On the Joke, Jest and the Origin of Humor

Why We Laugh, On the Joke, Jest and the Origin of Humor

Anton C. Zijderveld

Humor and laughter have large roles in our lives. But what exactly is humor, what are its effects on us and why do we laugh? These are difficult questions to which philosophers, sociologists, psychologists and artists have always been searching for answers. Laughter and humor can be divine or they can be diabolical.

It is commonly thought that laughter is the reaction to humor, but Zijderveld sees laughter as the ‘language’ of humor. Nothing kills a joke like the response: ‘That’s funny’. It is laughter that tells you the joke is understood and appreciated. It is more than just a reaction and it enhances the success of humor.

Why We Laugh examines the different dimensi-ons and layers of humor and laughter and tells a few good jokes.

‘Seriously writing about the joke, jest and the origin of humor. Anton Zijderveld can do it, as is proven by his book Why We Laugh.’ 
– Leeuwarder Courant

‘The result is magnificent.’ – de Volkskrant