Hidden Feelings

Hidden Feelings

Hidden Feelings

Ariëlla Kornmehl

Hidden Feelings is Ariëlla Kornmehl’s fourth novel and her most personal yet. When her grandmother died, Ariëlla felt the need to write about her and her experiences during the Second World War. Hidden Feelings is a touching story about choices that were made during the hardest times. And how for some people the war started in 1945.

As a child Ariëlla Kornmehl heard the stories from her grandmother, who was a little girl when the war ended. She went to Amsterdam Central Station to search for returning relatives. But none came. Since then Ariëlla has felt a great sense of loss at this railway station. She realized that the past leaves a lasting impression. Most of the people who were separated by the war never got to see each other again.

This novel examines how it must have been for a mother to give up your child for your own survival. And what has become of the children that were left behind? How can you live a life when you don’t know your background or if you do know it but are ashamed by it? Ariëlla wrote a novel about guilt, protection and a love that cannot be expressed, inspired by the stories of the previous generation.

Fascinating from the first to the last page, breathtaking simply by means of the story.’ – Neue Zürcher Zeitung

‘A fierce piece of history that reads like a thriller. Forceful and written with a lot of emotions. Ariëlla Kornmehl is a ‘insider’s tip’ in Dutch literature. Her novel deserves a large audience.’ – Marcel Möring

‘Definitely recommended. A novel about a big secret, an (un)wanted child, hiding, love and being in love, passion and more.’ – Frits Barend

‘A wonderful story, very special!’ – TROS Nieuwsshow

Hidden Feelings is a true ‘good read’.’ – Literatuurplein.nl

Rights sold to

  • Germany (Hoffmann & Campe)