In Memory of Mizzi

In Memory of Mizzi

In Memory of Mizzi

Ida Simons

The life of a mother and her son in the camp is hard, but when the Jewish doctor Herr Keppler asks if the boy likes dogs, they both jump up. Keppler introduces them to Mizzi; not just a regular dog, a dog that smiles. Mother and son are both captivated by her. You wouldn’t expect it, Keppler explains, but many animals are kept in the camp – until they are discovered.

As long as she can, Mizzi smiles at the prisoners and the sick, the children and their parents. The reader of this amazing, almost fairytale-like story gets a rare insight into the daily life of those without prospects, and at the perseverance of those who fi ght for their existence.

In Memory of Mizzi reads like a preview of what Simons will achieve in her marvellous novel A Foolish Virgin. The wonderous lightness meets you from the first page.’ – NRC Handelsblad

In Memory of Mizzi is so powerful and staggering. Please publish all her books. Thanks in advance.’ – Annelies Verbeke in De Standaard

‘A memorable first sentence: “The truth needs to be told for once: the children thought life in a camp was wonderful.”’ – de Volkskrant

In Memory of Mizzi is a loving novella, a wonderful gift from a mother to her son, a very nuanced and realistic insight into daily life in a WWII camp. But Mizzi has the most beautiful role, a dog who greets humans unprejudiced. The helplessness of its ‘smile’ is staggering.’ –Tzum

‘On how a dog can use his impressive smile against the destruction. Powerful, honest, but in vain.’ – Charlotte Mutsaers

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  • Germany (Luchterhand)