The Unexpected Wealth of Altena

The Unexpected Wealth of Altena

The Unexpected Wealth of Altena

Jan van Mersbergen

Frank and his son encounter an old Japanese gentleman in their usually quiet village on a summer afternoon. He bears the news of Rochat’s death. Rochat, the man who, some thirty years ago, fenced and closed off an entire lake, ending the glorious way the youths spent their summers. Shortly after, Rochat’s daughter Eline also re-appears. She hands Frank and his wife Marlies the key to the old fence around the lake. One night Marlies and Frank make a discovery that could provide the family with great wealth.

How to deal with a sudden stroke of luck? Do you take the money and run? The Unexpected Wealth of Altena shows that sharing makes sense only if the benefits are shared equally. The novel offers an intriguing story about jealousy and solidarity under the vast skies of the Dutch countryside.