The Grass Eater

The Grass Eater

The Grass Eater

Jan van Mersbergen

Subdued without sentimentality and in clear language, Jan van Mersbergen describes the fate of a man in the countryside. It is a reissue of the debut that received a nomination for the Debutants Prize.

Francis, a simple man in his thirties, is living with his dog Cesar in the remote countryside in the house where his parents used to live. He takes care of the livestock, goes to work, strolls through the days and lives a fairly reasonable, if somewhat lonely, life. Then Cecile, a former classmate, takes in his old piano, which turns his whole world upside down. His restricted life suddenly is wide open, making him dizzy and uncomfortable. He has no place for his coy love. He loves as he lives – in silence. He plans to end this tragedy he calls his life with a great act – an act of justice.

‘A great anger buzzes and flows in this novel.’ – Kees ‘t Hart