The Ghosts

The Ghosts

The Ghosts

Yves Petry

After a devastating breakup with his girlfriend, Mark Oostermans, an ambitious developing countries doctor, retreats to Camp Bilonga, a refugee camp in West Africa. In the refugee camp, he meets Jeroen Ullings, the foolhardy head of the local medical team: an ex-Jesuit with inciting views on love, science, morality and the so-called enlightened man of today.

‘You can only change the world if your understanding of death changes’, is one of his mantras. What does he mean by that? The raging civil war seems to steer clear from the camp, but once a group of soldiers with questionable intentions arrives, it forces Mark to discover the answer.

In clear prose, sparkling yet precise, the ghosts of this novel cross over from one dimension to the other, alternating between salvation and loss, life and death.