The Goldwasser Family

The Goldwasser Family

The Goldwasser Family

Ariëlla Kornmehl

An opera based on this debut will premiere in 2015. The premiere is in Vancouver. The opera will also be played at the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam.

The youngest daughter of the traditional Jewish Goldwasser family meets her great love called Paul. Despite his age – he is older than she is – and the fact that he is not Jewish, they decide to live together. Father Goldwasser doesn’t approve and refuses his daughter access to her elderly home. The beloved daughter is disowned and almost the entire family follows his disapproval.

When Paul dies unexpectedly, she loses the one for whom she gave it all up. Is there a way back into the family or does she has to cope with a double loss all by herself?

A compelling story about important choices which many young people with a strict religious background have to make.

‘Beautiful how the main character uses a fine pencil to paint her relationship with her father. These memories justify publishing this book’ 
– Arjan Peters in de Volkskrant

‘It is an easy prediction but I am happy to make it. The Goldwasser Family is the start of a promising oeuvre’ – Daan Stoffelsen at