The New River

The New River

The New River

Eva Meijer

‘The river split the earth in two. Meadows broke apart, trees uprooted, and a lone cow left too late. Curve after curve, a line drawn through the land, and when the people opened their curtains in the morning, she was there, brown and gleaming, yes, proud, you could say, the view changed forever.’ – excerpt from The New River

Close to the village a river appears out of thin air and keeps changing shape. Scientists believe large-scale forest clearing for soy production is the cause; villagers point to the old gods. English journalist Janet Stone arrives to write an article about the river, but then soy farmer Hugo Frys is murdered.

The killing turns out to be the precursor of a series of uncanny events. Janet begins an investigation, and discovers the land is being assimilated by more than just the river. In this hallucinatory eco-thriller, with elements of Jorge Luis Borges and David Lynch, Eva Meijer creates a world that is very similar to ours; a world to disappear in.

‘In 58 short chapters Meijer writes a dreamy, enticing thriller.’ – Nederlands Dagblad

‘Changing perspective so the human being is no longer at the centre of attention is something Eva Meijer likes doing.’ – De Volkskrant

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  • Italian (Nottetempo)
  • German (btb)